Recycling – Go Greener
Recycling - Go Greener
Knowing that we're making greener choices, however big or small, will make a difference to the whole planet. Choosing to do things differently – even just altering a few small habits – will make a huge impact if we do it together. Here are some recycling top tips for your indoor spaces as well as garden waste:
- Moving in to your new Peveril home provides you with a great opportunity to start afresh! So why not start a compost bin for all your peelings and veg scraps! Did you know that almost half of the food waste in the average rubbish bin can be composted? Composting saves money, saves resources, and can help improve your soil and reduce your impact on the environment. Compost is a nutrient-rich product for your garden which will improve soil structure, maintain moisture levels, and keep the soil’s pH in check to keep plants healthy.
- Make supports for your plants – Rather than making a trip to the garden centre - improvise with what you might already have. If you're looking for supports for your climbing plants, try to seek out long, wild twiggy branches and sturdy stems. These might do the job required just as well as shop-bought bamboo canes or expensive steel supports.
- Give your lawn a moisture boost – Back to your new compost heap! This is a perfect way to deal with grass cuttings. They can also be used to sprinkle over your lawn to retain moisture. Another clever tip is to spread grass cuttings out across bare soil under trees. The cuttings will eventually decompose, giving the soil a rich boost of organic matter.
- Make a home for wildlife – Not all garden waste can be composted. Put larger woody branches and stems to good use by creating a mini wildlife haven in your own back garden. Gather sticks and larger twigs to create a perfect habitat for little garden visitors. Beetles love this kind of environment and will gobble garden enemies such as aphids and slugs and so save you money on pest control!
- Your rubbish may be another person’s treasure – If you are having a clear out indoors or out, look to donate unwanted items from clothes and books to old garden furniture and plants to charity shops.
- Repair and re-use – Many of the things we throw away have actually not reached the end of their life. For example, a simple repair and lick of paint gives furniture a new lease of life - and could save money too. Take a look at our latest show homes for the latest interior styling ideas – you might take inspiration to recreate some of the custom styles in your own home, perhaps with piece of furniture or accessory that you already own! Feel free to share your creations with our development specific hashtags – our Sales Executives will show you how!
- In the recycle bin – Make sure you follow any special instructions for what can and cannot be placed into your recycling bags and bins. Most organic garden waste can all be disposed of safely this way, usually including leaves and flowers, grass and weeds, tree bark, pruned branches, clippings and twigs, and home-grown fruit and vegetables. Phew!